While the introduction of the smartphone meant that users could store access to the world in their pocket, what features can we look forward to in the future?

Considering the size, portability and general convenience of a smartphone, it’s no surprise that they generally come everywhere with us – admit it, even to the toilet. Whether we care to admit it or not, the technology and entertainment that owning a smartphone provides can fill a void and streamline our day to day lives. 

In line with demand, there are now more smartphones available on the market than ever before. Thanks to the technology now on offer, flagship smartphone pricing tends to start at $999 outright or above, with some models costing upwards of an eye watering $2,000. 

Just ten years ago, mobile phones could only do a tiny fraction of the things that their modern counterparts are capable of – so what does the future of the smartphone look like for the next decade to come?

Five Changes To Expect From Future Smartphones

Technically speaking, a smartphone is a portable device that combines mobile telephone and computing functions into one unit. The term started to get thrown around with the introduction of cameras to mobile phone devices in the early 2000s, but is generally synonymous with most models now on offer through tech giants like Apple and Samsung.

While these types of mega companies invented the world’s first smartphones, they’ve shown no signs of slowing down when it comes to upgrades to current models. As such, what can we expect from the next generation of smartphones in the years to come?

Nano Tech Batteries – While smartphones have come a long way since their early days, not much has changed in regards to their batteries or how they are charged. With the introduction of nano tech batteries, that’s all set to change. First debuted in Israel in 2015, a Samsung Galaxy S5 with a nano technology-utilising battery was unveiled, and meant that the device could charge from 0 to 100% in less than a minute.

Liquid Buttons – What if there was a happy medium between a traditional keyboard and touch screens? Liquid buttons means the roll out of keyboards that use special microfluidics technology, which drives small amounts of liquid into invisible pockets that rest over the typing pad on a smartphone. When the user brings up the touchscreen keyboard, the pockets instantly fill with liquid which has the effect of physically raising the buttons on a smartphone.

Graphene Based Devices – Since its development for practical application in 2004, graphene has been praised as “wonder material” by the electronics industry. It’s thin, lightweight, flexible, transparent and over two hundred times stronger than steel. In addition, it’s also one of the best materials for conducting electricity, so incorporating graphene into smartphones could allow for designs to be ultra-thin, transparent, flexible and virtually indestructible. 

Smart Cameras – Smartphones have already been universally celebrated for the quality of their portable built in cameras, but what if the future takes these to the next level? In 2015, Qualcomm unveiled a camera capable of identifying the objects it was looking at. The system worked by comparing real world objects to a huge reference database stored on the device, and functioned a little bit like a baby artificial intelligence.

No More Sim Cards – Although manufacturers have made efforts to reduce the size of SIM cards, they still feel very much like an afterthought or even a relic. Thankfully, Apple and Samsung are making strides to rid the world of the physical presence of SIM cards by replacing them with an electronic version, making swapping providers, travelling or living abroad significantly easier without the need to change between physical sim cards. 

To keep your current smartphone in tip top shape and ready for further advancements, it’s important to ensure that your device is up to date. However, if your device isn’t performing at its best, it might be worth having a chat with the professionals. 

Talk Tech With The Professionals

SOS Phone Repairs are specialists in high-quality, cost-effective phone repairs, tablet repairs, and PC repairs, all backed with a six month warranty. Founded in 2015 in Coffs Harbour and now with over sixteen outlets located all over Australia, our primary driving factors remain the same: people and phones. 

If you’re in the market for a new smartphone, SOS Phone Repairs also stocks a wide variety of refurbished handsets at a fraction of the cost of a brand new one. While each has been carefully restored to perform at their best, all refurbished smartphones purchased through SOS also come with a twelve month warranty, and can be purchased at any of our sixteen store locations.  

If you are on the hunt for a quote, diagnostic, or even just some good old fashioned, friendly advice, please don’t hesitate to get in touch or give us a call today at SOS Phone Repairs. 

